Successfully managing your employees and your finances is critical. Use these resources to learn about the legal aspects of being an employer and how to bring out the best in your employees. Master everyday bookkeeping and find out how your business decisions affect your tax liability.
Legal forms for bankruptcy, divorce, real estate, wills, etc.
by Jathan Janove
Learn how to unleash the full potential of employees at every level by creating mutually satisfying working relationships focused on achieving shared goals.
by Edward E. Lawler III
This work illustrates how to determine which talent-focused management approach best fits your business.
by Linda Pinson
This introductory guide offers advice on choosing an accounting method, developing a chart of accounts, organizing record-keeping and interpreting the records later. A glossary of accounting terms and sample forms are also included.
by Frederick W. Daily
This guide helps you develop the best tax plan for your small business and learn the ins and outs of the tax code.
Check here for the Employers Tax Guide (publication 15) and general guidance on how to handle employment taxes.
This valuable site contains overviews of federal labor laws regarding health care, unemployment insurance, retirement, disability and more.
Employers must comply with federal laws to provide a safe work environment for employees. Find out more at the OSHA website.
This site links to various federal loan programs as well as local sources for small business loans.
In addition to forms, you can find a wealth of information about tax concerns for small businesses. This is also a good place to look for U.S. Tax Code changes that affect small businesses.