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Adult Basic Education

Adult Basic Edu­ca­tion (ABE) helps adults learn basic skills in math, read­ing and lan­guage devel­op­ment. Learn basic skills in math, read­ing and lan­guage development.

Library Pro­grams and Services

The Library has print and audio­vi­su­al mate­ri­als, com­put­ers with links to learn­ing resources, plus space for tutor­ing, class­es and meet­ings at all branches.

We refer peo­ple as need­ed to adult lit­er­a­cy oppor­tu­ni­ties local­ly, including:

Geor­gia Pied­mont Tech­ni­cal Col­lege
404.297.9522 ext. 4000

For more infor­ma­tion, please call the Lit­er­a­cy Ser­vices Office at 404.508.7190, ext. 2248.