Resources Beginning with 'A'

Alt HealthWatch

Alt Health­Watch focus­es on mul­ti­ple per­spec­tives of com­ple­men­tary, holis­tic, and inte­grat­ed approach­es to health care and well­ness. Full-text con­tent comes from more than 180 inter­na­tion­al peer-reviewed and pro­fes­sion­al jour­nals, mag­a­zines, reports, pro­ceed­ings, and asso­ci­a­tion and con­sumer newslet­ters, plus hun­dreds of pam­phlets, book­lets, spe­cial reports, orig­i­nal research, and book excerpts.

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Atlanta Business Chronicle

Full-text access to the week­ly print edi­tion of the Atlanta Busi­ness Chron­i­cle and the Book of Lists, as well as break­ing online news and dai­ly dig­i­tal content.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Full-text cov­er­age of The Atlanta Journal/​Constitution from 1985

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Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Image Edition

The image edi­tion of the AJC lets you view cur­rent and past edi­tions with the lay­out of the print ver­sion (2017-present).