World Language Collections

Books and DVDs in World Languages

Online Resources


eBooks, eAu­dio and Mag­a­zines in Eng­lish, Chi­nese, French and Span­ish. Stream using the Lib­by app or on your computer.

Get the app: iOS | Android

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Mango Languages

Learn a lan­guage by lis­ten­ing to con­ver­sa­tions between native speak­ers. Choose from 71 lan­guages includ­ing English.

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Same-day access to 7000+ news­pa­pers and mag­a­zines from 120+ coun­tries in 60+ languages.

Get the app: iOS | Android | Other

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Music, TV, Movies, Comics, eBooks, eAu­dio avail­able in dozens of world lan­guages. Stream using the hoopla app or on your computer. 

Get the app: iOS | Android | Amazon

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Watch movies, doc­u­men­taries & TV series in a vari­ety of lan­guages. Stream on your device or TV with the Kanopy app or on your computer. 

Get the app: iOS | Android | TV apps

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Look­ing for DVDs in oth­er world languages?

Need help? Email a librar­i­an.