Magazines and Newspapers

Atlanta Business Chronicle

Full-text access to the week­ly print edi­tion of the Atlanta Busi­ness Chron­i­cle and the Book of Lists, as well as break­ing online news and dai­ly dig­i­tal content.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Full-text cov­er­age of The Atlanta Journal/​Constitution from 1985

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Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Image Edition

The image edi­tion of the AJC lets you view cur­rent and past edi­tions with the lay­out of the print ver­sion (2017-present).

Consumer Reports

Presents arti­cles on health, pub­lic safe­ty, mar­ket­place eco­nom­ics and the judi­cial & reg­u­la­to­ry actions that affect consumers.

EBSCO Images

Pho­tos and maps, with an empha­sis on world news and events. Oth­er images include con­tem­po­rary and his­tor­i­cal pho­tos of peo­ple, places and nat­ur­al science.

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Georgia Newspapers

Cur­rent and past issues of over 50 news­pa­pers from across the state of Geor­gia, includ­ing The Atlanta Jour­nal-Con­sti­tu­tion, Gwin­nett Dai­ly Post, Savan­nah Morn­ing News, Colum­bus Ledger-Enquir­er, The August Chron­i­cle, The Macon Tele­graph, The Albany Her­ald, The Brunswick News, and Athens Banner-Herald.

HeritageHub (formerly Obituaries and Death Notices)

Com­pre­hen­sive cov­er­age of obit­u­ar­ies and death notices from 1704 through today, for geneal­o­gists and fam­i­ly his­to­ri­ans. Search thou­sands of news­pa­pers from all U.S. states and ter­ri­to­ries. Includes orig­i­nal obit­u­ary images from his­tor­i­cal news­pa­pers and dig­i­tized con­tent from the mid-to-late 1900s. New records added daily. 

MasterFILE Complete at EBSCOhost

Com­plete arti­cles from mag­a­zines and jour­nals cov­er­ing near­ly all sub­jects includ­ing gen­er­al ref­er­ence, busi­ness, health, edu­ca­tion, gen­er­al sci­ence, and mul­ti­cul­tur­al issues. This resource also con­tains full text for more than 50 ref­er­ence books and an Image Col­lec­tion of over 510,000 pho­tos, maps and flags.

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New York Times

For unlim­it­ed access to NYTimes​.com:

From inside the library, cre­ate a free account using your email address through the log in link from the NYTimes​.com home page.

From home, use your library card and this link to access the NYTimes​.com for 24 hours. After it expires, return to this link to reset your access.

NYTimes​.com pro­vides access to the New York Times Online edi­tion. NYTimes​.com offers break­ing news cov­er­age, video and mul­ti­me­dia access, and email news alerts. NYTimes​.com also offers patrons a trans­lat­ed español and Chi­nese edi­tion of the paper.

Get the app: iOS | Android


Search cur­rent and archived full-text arti­cles in hun­dreds of news­pa­pers from every state, includ­ing the Atlanta Jour­nal-Con­sti­tu­tion, USA Today, Chica­go Sun-Times, New Orleans Times-Picayune and the Char­lotte Observ­er. Search the Asso­ci­at­ed Press wire ser­vice and radio and tv tran­scripts from Fox News, CNN, CBS, ABC and more.

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Newspaper Source

Infor­ma­tion from the dai­ly feeds of Knight-Rid­der/Tri­bune Busi­ness News and Knight-Rid­der/Tri­bune News Ser­vice News­pa­per Source as well as full cov­er­age of The Chris­t­ian Sci­ence Mon­i­tor, USA Today, The Wash­ing­ton Post, The Times (Lon­don), and The Toron­to Star. Also includes select­ed arti­cles from (U.S.) news­pa­pers, includ­ing The Macon Tele­graph, Savan­nah Morn­ing News, The Boston Globe, The Chica­go Tri­bune, The Detroit Free Press, and The Mia­mi Her­ald.

OverDrive / Libby

eBooks, eAu­dio and Mag­a­zines. 20 check­outs and 15 holds at a time for eBooks and eAu­dio. Unlim­it­ed check­outs, no wait­ing for Magazines.

Avail­able on desk­top or most devices through the Lib­by app.

Get the app: iOS | Android

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OverDrive / Libby (Kids Edition)

eBooks, eAu­dio and Mag­a­zines. 20 check­outs and 15 holds at a time for eBooks and eAu­dio. Unlim­it­ed check­outs, no wait­ing for Magazines.

Avail­able on desk­top or most devices through the Lib­by app.

Get the app: iOS | Android

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Unlim­it­ed, same-day access to 7000+ news­pa­pers and mag­a­zines, from 120+ coun­tries, in 60+ lan­guages, includ­ing the Atlanta Jour­nal-Con­sti­tu­tion, the Los Ange­les Times and more.

Get the app: iOS | Android | Other

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ProQuest Newspapers

Access to: the Chris­t­ian Sci­ence Mon­i­tor (1988-), Los Ange­les Times (1985-), New York Times; Late Edi­tion, East Coast (1980-), Wall Street Jour­nal; East­ern Edi­tion (1984-) and The Wash­ing­ton Post (1987-). Cov­er­age includes full-text arti­cles but not adver­tise­ments, illus­tra­tions, or pho­tographs. Also includes oth­er newspapers.

Wall Street Journal

Access The Wall Street Jour­nal from anywhere!

  • Sim­ply click here to cre­ate your account, and you can start using wsj​.com immediately
  • Your access will be avail­able for the next 3 days
  • After 3 days, sim­ply come back and click the above link again and login as an exist­ing user with the same user­name and pass­word you orig­i­nal­ly created
  • Note: you are not per­mit­ted to share the sign-on cre­den­tials with any oth­er person
  • Not com­pat­i­ble with the WSJ app