
Sign up now for this Sum­mer! Techie Camp offers full-day, week-long STEM camps for Metro Atlanta ele­men­tary and mid­dle school stu­dents in ris­ing 3rd through 8th grades. Sub­jects include Pro­gram­ming, Android App Devel­op­ment, and Data Ana­lyt­ics. View the full list of Techie Camp offer­ings at our libraries this sum­mer and apply for the program.

Books, Books, Books!

Find books: click and request with your card now!

Digital Reads

Your links to hoopla, Over­Drive for Kids and more!

You will need your library card num­ber and PIN to explore these sites out­side the library.

School Tools

Click here for links to our online resources and databases.

You will need your library card num­ber and PIN to explore these sites out­side the library.

Events and Activities

See what’s hap­pen­ing this month!

Cool Websites!

Links to web­sites from your favorite series and oth­er fun pages.


Sign up for read­ing chal­lenges, log your read­ing time, earn dig­i­tal badges, and more!

A set of resources and tools for build­ing resilience in chil­dren, cre­at­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Chil­dren’s Health­care of Atlanta Strong4Life.

Poll of the Month