Kids > Digital Reads

Read, read, read. Read good books.

— Carmen Agra Deedy

Pairs video sto­ry­books with relat­ed non­fic­tion eBooks to help chil­dren devel­op and prac­tice essen­tial read­ing skills. Includes read-along audio nar­ra­tion and games. All titles are always avail­able – no down­load­ing, no waiting.

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eRead Kids

eBooks and audio­books for kids, preK to 4th grade. 5 items, 10 holds, 14 day loan peri­od, ear­ly return avail­able. No app needed.

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Music, TV, Movies, Comics, eBooks, eAu­dio — instant access, no holds, no wait­ing. Stream or down­load using the hoopla app (rec­om­mend­ed) or in your brows­er. 10 check­outs per month.

Get the app: iOS | Android | Amazon

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OverDrive / Libby (Kids Edition)

eBooks, eAu­dio and Mag­a­zines. 20 check­outs and 15 holds at a time for eBooks and eAu­dio. Unlim­it­ed check­outs, no wait­ing for Magazines.

Avail­able on desk­top or most devices through the Lib­by app.

Get the app: iOS | Android

Need help using OverDrive / Libby (Kids Edition)?