Fines and Fees

All fines and fees are set by the Library Board of Trustees. For more infor­ma­tion, please read the DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library’s Fines and Fees Pol­i­cy. Fines and fees can be paid by cash or checks made payable to DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library. Fines and fees may also be paid online through Pay­Pal.

Pay Fines or Fees

Over­due Fines

As of Fri­day, July 1, 2022, DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library no longer charg­es over­due fines. Fees will still be incurred for lost or dam­aged items and Inter­li­brary Loan items. Please review our fees infor­ma­tion below for details.

Lost and Dam­aged Items

Mate­ri­als lost / dam­aged beyond repairCost of item
Lost media piece (CD, DVD, Blu-ray, etc.) from a mul­ti-part set*$12.00
Dam­aged Books$10.00
Destroyed Audio­book Case$6.00
Destroyed DVD/Blu-ray/CD Case$2.00
Lost Book­let$2.00
Lost Bar­code$1.00
Kill A Watt$25.00
Radon Kit$150.00
Hotspot Deac­ti­va­tion Fee†$30.00
Hotspot Replace­mentup to $135
Alliance The­atre$75.00
Atlanta His­to­ry Center$75.00
Cen­ter for Pup­petry Arts Passport$32.00
Chat­ta­hoochee Nature Center$45.00
Com­put­er Muse­um of America$60.00
Geor­gia Parks Pass‡$100.00
Geor­gia Parks Dis­cov­ery Backpack$75.00
Go Fish Edu­ca­tion Cen­ter Pass$20.00
Macon Muse­um Pass to the Geor­gia Sports Hall of Fame, Muse­um of Arts and Sci­ences and the Tub­man Museum$100.00
Michael C. Car­los Museum$50.00
Shake­speare Tavern$60.00
South­east­ern Rail­way Muse­um Pass$50.00
William Bre­man Jew­ish Her­itage Museum$50.00
Zoo Atlanta Pass$50.00
Book Kits
Book Group Take-Out, Book Bud­dies, Eager Read­ers, BeTween the Lines Kits
Lost or dam­aged book$10.00
Lost or dam­aged tote bag$15.00
Lost or destroyed kit$60.00
Fam­i­ly Lit­er­a­cy Involve­ment Pro­gram (FLIP) Kits
Lost or dam­aged book$10.00
Lost or dam­aged tote bag$15.00
Lost or dam­aged case$6.00
Lost or destroyed kitCost of kit
BOB Book Sets
Lost or dam­aged book$3.00
Lost or dam­aged case$10.00
Lost or destroyed setCost of set


Fees are charged to cov­er the cost of ser­vices pro­vid­ed and are based on the Library’s costs for sup­plies and overhead.

Non-DeKalb Res­i­dent Bor­row­ers Card (avail­able to Geor­gia res­i­dents only)$50.00
Col­lec­tion fee for account bal­ances of $40.00 or more four weeks after billing$10.00


Micro­form Copies15¢/page
Com­put­er Print­ing (black and white)15¢/page
Com­put­er Print­ing (col­or, at select branch­es only)50¢/page
Inter­li­brary Loan$5.00 + any fees charged by lend­ing library
Returned Check Fee$20.00
Meet­ing Room Fees
for less than 4 hours of use$20.00
for more than 4 hours of use$35.00
Audi­to­ri­um Fees (at select branch­es only)
for less than 4 hours of use$75.00
for more than 4 hours of use$100.00

* If an indi­vid­ual piece can­not be replaced, and set is unus­able with­out this piece, full replace­ment cost of set will be assessed.

† Deac­ti­va­tion fee will be applied when the hotspot is three months overdue.

‡ If an indi­vid­ual pass is lost or dam­aged, a $50 replace­ment cost will be assessed.