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Study Rooms

Meeting Spaces

Study rooms are small, pri­vate rooms avail­able on a first-come, first-served basis to library card hold­ers. The rooms may be used for study­ing, small group dis­cus­sions, or vol­un­teer tutor­ing ses­sions. Study rooms may be checked out for up to two hours per day and up to six hours per cal­en­dar week (Mon­day-Sat­ur­day).

Click here for a list of loca­tions with study rooms.

Study Room FAQ

Any­one who:

  • has a cur­rent, unblocked DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library card
  • checks the space out from library staff

Our spaces are for:

  • library spon­sored, library co-spon­sored, or local gov­ern­ment pro­grams for the public
  • indi­vid­u­als or non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions that sup­port the Library’s mission

We do not pro­vide spaces for:

  • pro­mo­tion of an indi­vid­ual or business
  • events that are pure­ly social, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to parties 
  • meet­ings or events that require admis­sion fees, sell a good or ser­vice, or involve the exchange of funds of any kind

Study rooms are avail­able on a first-come, first-served basis and can­not be reserved in advance. Click here for a list of loca­tions with study rooms.

To check out a study room, you must be phys­i­cal­ly present in the library and have a cur­rent, unblocked DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library card. 

Check with staff at a ser­vice desk to con­firm avail­abil­i­ty. If a room is avail­able, staff will reserve the room with your library card num­ber and show you to the room.

Study rooms may be checked out for up to two hours per day and up to six hours per cal­en­dar week (Mon­day — Saturday). 

If you have used a study room for two hours and no one has request­ed the room, you may con­tin­ue to use the room until we receive a request or you reach your six hour week­ly limit.

When you have fin­ished your ses­sion, please noti­fy staff so that we may note your time of depar­ture and issue the room to anoth­er patron.

Each study room includes a table or desk and chairs. Some rooms also include white­boards. Please check with indi­vid­ual branch­es for availability. 

White­board erasers and mark­ers may be avail­able for check out at ser­vice desks. You must return white­board sup­plies when you check out of the room. Please use only dry erase mark­ers on whiteboards.

You must use your own library card to check out the room, and you must remain in the room for the dura­tion of its use.

When using our spaces, you agree to:

  • fol­low all library poli­cies, includ­ing the Con­duct in Libraries policy
  • respect oth­er library vis­i­tors by keep­ing noise to a minimum 
  • com­ply with max­i­mum occu­pan­cy limits
  • take pre­cau­tions against damage
  • leave the space in the con­di­tion in which it was issued
  • dis­pose of all trash in bins
  • noti­fy staff at the ser­vice desk when you have fin­ished your session

Dam­age to rooms is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the card hold­er, and charges may be billed. Signs, posters or ban­ners may not be affixed to walls, as these will cause dam­age to surfaces.

The Library is not respon­si­ble for equip­ment, sup­plies, mate­ri­als or oth­er items left in study rooms.

The right to use rooms may be denied based on past incidents.