Resources Beginning with 'E'

Ebook Central (ProQuest)

From a sin­gle inter­face, researchers can access over 175,000 eBooks imprints from more than 650 pub­lish­ers. New­ly pub­lished titles are added each year from lead­ing pub­lish­ers to help libraries build dynam­ic col­lec­tions that meet the unique needs of their com­mu­ni­ty of researchers.

eBooks on EBSCOhost

Elec­tron­ic books that may be viewed onscreen or down­loaded, includ­ing ref­er­ence books, schol­ar­ly mono­graphs, pub­li­ca­tions of many uni­ver­si­ty press­es, and con­sumer books.

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EBSCO Images

Pho­tos and maps, with an empha­sis on world news and events. Oth­er images include con­tem­po­rary and his­tor­i­cal pho­tos of peo­ple, places and nat­ur­al science.

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eRead Kids

eBooks and audio­books for kids, preK to 4th grade. 5 items, 10 holds, 14 day loan peri­od, ear­ly return avail­able. No app needed.

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Explo­ra sup­ports both stu­dent research and class­room instruction.