Resources Beginning with 'G'


A web-based vir­tu­al library, GALILEO pro­vides access to mul­ti­ple infor­ma­tion resources, includ­ing secured access to licensed prod­ucts. Par­tic­i­pat­ing insti­tu­tions may access over 100 data­bas­es index­ing thou­sands of peri­od­i­cals and schol­ar­ly jour­nals. Over 2000 jour­nal titles are pro­vid­ed in full-text. Oth­er resources include ency­clo­pe­dias, busi­ness direc­to­ries, and gov­ern­ment publications.

Need help using GALILEO?

Georgia Department of Revenue Tax Information and Forms

Geor­gia state tax infor­ma­tion and relat­ed forms.

Georgia Legal Forms

Legal forms for bank­rupt­cy, divorce, real estate, wills, etc.

Need help using Georgia Legal Forms?

Georgia Newspapers

Cur­rent and past issues of over 50 news­pa­pers from across the state of Geor­gia, includ­ing The Atlanta Jour­nal-Con­sti­tu­tion, Gwin­nett Dai­ly Post, Savan­nah Morn­ing News, Colum­bus Ledger-Enquir­er, The August Chron­i­cle, The Macon Tele­graph, The Albany Her­ald, The Brunswick News, and Athens Banner-Herald.