Kids > School Tools

Online Tutoring

Help­Now pro­vides free home­work help and online tutor­ing for grades 3 – 12 for math, Eng­lish, sci­ence and social stud­ies. Chat with a tutor from 2:00 PM to 11:00 PM sev­en days a week. Test prepa­ra­tion, writ­ing assis­tance and career resources are also pro­vid­ed for K‑12, adult and ESL learners.

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Kanopy Kids

Watch enter­tain­ing and edu­ca­tion­al videos select­ed for chil­dren ages 2 and up — instant access, no holds, no wait­ing. Stream on your device or TV with the Kanopy app or on your com­put­er. Unlim­it­ed view­ing for 30 days for each checkout.

Get the app: iOS | Android | TV apps

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Mango Languages

Man­go’s unique teach­ing method quick­ly engages you in real con­ver­sa­tions between two native speak­ers. Your instruc­tor will take you through every step of the process! Each les­son revis­its pre­vi­ous­ly learned mate­r­i­al, but you have com­plete con­trol over your learn­ing expe­ri­ence. Choose from 71 lan­guages includ­ing English.

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Explo­ra sup­ports both stu­dent research and class­room instruction.

NoveList K-8 Plus

Espe­cial­ly for ele­men­tary and mid­dle school, find fic­tion and non­fic­tion books to read based on oth­er books pre­vi­ous­ly enjoyed, or to look for books about a par­tic­u­lar sub­ject, rela­tion­ship, geo­graph­ic area, peri­od of time, or plot descrip­tion. Includes lists of award-win­ning titles and reviews.


Unlim­it­ed, same-day access to 7000+ news­pa­pers and mag­a­zines, from 120+ coun­tries, in 60+ lan­guages, includ­ing the Atlanta Jour­nal-Con­sti­tu­tion, the Los Ange­les Times and more.

Get the app: iOS | Android | Other

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A web-based vir­tu­al library, GALILEO pro­vides access to mul­ti­ple infor­ma­tion resources, includ­ing secured access to licensed prod­ucts. Par­tic­i­pat­ing insti­tu­tions may access over 100 data­bas­es index­ing thou­sands of peri­od­i­cals and schol­ar­ly jour­nals. Over 2000 jour­nal titles are pro­vid­ed in full-text. Oth­er resources include ency­clo­pe­dias, busi­ness direc­to­ries, and gov­ern­ment publications.

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LearningExpress Library

Test prepa­ra­tion mate­ri­als, eBooks, and inter­ac­tive prac­tice exams based on offi­cial aca­d­e­m­ic, civ­il ser­vice, mil­i­tary, and pro­fes­sion­al licens­ing and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion exams. Includes prepa­ra­tion for the GED, SAT, GRE, U.S. Cit­i­zen­ship Test, and TOEFL.

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