Due to poor road con­di­tions from the win­ter storm, all loca­tions will be closed on Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 22.

Discover new opportunities

Are you ready to expand your busi­ness into new mar­kets? Use the resources below to iden­ti­fy oppor­tu­ni­ties you may not have considered.

Sam.gov Contract Opportunities

This web­site is a clear­ing­house for fed­er­al con­tracts. The data­base is search­able by agency, loca­tion and NAICS code. You can also search for con­tracts that are set-aside” for small busi­ness­es and female-owned businesses.

SBA - How to win contracts

Learn about the con­tract­ing process and the spe­cial qual­i­fi­ca­tions you must meet in order to sell to the government.

SBA - Office of International Trade

There are a num­ber of pro­grams designed to help small busi­ness­es com­pete in the glob­al mar­ket place, such as the Export Work­ing Cap­i­tal Pro­gram and the Ex-Im Bank Co-Guar­an­tee Pro­gram. Learn about them here.

State of Georgia International Trade Offices

If you are inter­est­ed in expand­ing inter­na­tion­al­ly, con­tact one of Georgia’s inter­na­tion­al trade rep­re­sen­ta­tives. Locat­ed in Europe, the Mid­dle East, Asia and the Amer­i­c­as, they can help you locate mar­kets, iden­ti­fy poten­tial busi­ness part­ners and help you adhere to local busi­ness practices.

United States Export Assistance Center

Check this site for up-to-date news regard­ing inter­na­tion­al trade. You will also find infor­ma­tion on inter­na­tion­al trade reg­u­la­tions, licens­es you may need and inter­na­tion­al finance. Check under Trade Events” for infor­ma­tion on sem­i­nars and trade events spon­sored by the U.S. government.