
By effec­tive­ly mar­ket­ing your com­pa­ny, you can increase your cus­tomer base and edu­cate your exist­ing cus­tomers about your prod­ucts and services.

Use­ful Books

Guerrilla marketing : easy and inexpensive strategies for making big profits from your small business

by Jay Con­rad Levin­son
This book is filled with strate­gies for mar­ket­ing on the inter­net and tips for putting oth­er new tech­nolo­gies to work.

Instant Marketing for Almost Free

by Susan F. Ben­jamin
This book presents tac­tics designed to deliv­er effec­tive mar­ket­ing quick­ly and at low cost, such as how to reach out to inter­net com­mu­ni­ties and do email mar­ket­ing that won’t get labelled as spam.

The marketing gurus : lessons from the best marketing books of all time

by Chris Mur­ray
This book offers sum­maries of many clas­sic mar­ket­ing books in one volume.

Million dollar website : simple steps to help you compete with the big boys--even on a small business budget

by Lori Cul­well
This book offers invalu­able insid­er advice on what it takes to build a high-pro­file web­site, includ­ing dozens of guide­lines to avoid the pit­falls of bad usability.

The Twitter Book

by Tim O’Reil­ly and Sarah Mil­stein
This guide with plen­ty of illus­tra­tions will help you get com­fort­able using Twit­ter and then get the most out of it.

Web Resources

This is a guide to the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion’s rules and reg­u­la­tions con­cern­ing online advertising.

This includes pub­li­ca­tions cov­er­ing a range of top­ics from devel­op­ing effec­tive signs to direct mail marketing.