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DeKalb County Public Library Announces Availability of More eBooks and Audiobooks

DeKalb Com­mis­sion­er Michelle Long Spears Appro­pri­ates Funds to Expand the Library’s Col­lec­tion of Dig­i­tal Materials

DECATUR, Ga. — (Jan. 10, 2024) — DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library announced today that it is expand­ing the num­ber of eBooks and down­load­able and stream­ing audio­books avail­able to res­i­dents. The expan­sion was enabled by the allo­ca­tion of $25,000 from Dis­trict 2’s dis­cre­tionary fund by Com­mis­sion­er Michelle Long Spears. The DeKalb Coun­ty Board of Com­mis­sion­ers approved the fund­ing at its Dec. 12, 2023 meet­ing.

We thank Com­mis­sion­er Spears for lead­ing the charge to fund the growth of our dig­i­tal offer­ings. Now res­i­dents will have more choic­es for enter­tain­ment and infor­ma­tion than ever before,” said Ali­son Weissinger, DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library Direc­tor. In 2023, use of our dig­i­tal col­lec­tion was up over 25 per­cent com­pared to last year. DeKalb com­muters, in par­tic­u­lar, love lis­ten­ing to audio­books while they’re on the go.”

Democ­ra­cies thrive when cit­i­zens have access to infor­ma­tion and can make informed deci­sions. This fund­ing will help the library put more mate­ri­als in the hands and mobile devices of more peo­ple,” Com­mis­sion­er Spears com­ment­ed. I am proud to cham­pi­on and allo­cate resources to ensure that our com­mu­ni­ty con­tin­ues to ben­e­fit from these trea­sured insti­tu­tions. The increase in demand for dig­i­tal mate­ri­als means res­i­dents are read­ing more. Pub­lic libraries play an indis­pens­able role by pro­vid­ing acces­si­ble resources to all who seek and have a thirst for knowl­edge. I hope every­one takes advan­tage of all resources the library offers.”

DCPL’s eBooks and audio­books are avail­able free of charge to library patrons. With the annu­al cost for an Audi­ble sub­scrip­tion rang­ing from $90 to $170 per year*, com­pli­men­ta­ry access to audio­books through the library’s apps rep­re­sents a tremen­dous val­ue for card­hold­ers. Audio­books and e‑books cov­er near­ly every taste and pref­er­ence — mys­ter­ies, thrillers, romance, busi­ness, his­to­ry, young adult, children’s books, graph­ic nov­els and more.

Find more infor­ma­tion, apply for a library card or browse the library’s col­lec­tion of mate­ri­als at www​.dekalbli​brary​.org.

