100 Years, 100 Books Reading Challenge

Cel­e­brate DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library’s Cen­ten­ni­al by Read­ing More!

DeKalb County Public Library and 100 Years 100 Books logos

In 2025, we’re turn­ing 100, and you’re invit­ed to join the par­ty by tak­ing the 100 Years, 100 Books Read­ing Chal­lenge!

This chal­lenge is designed to guide adult read­ers through a year-long read­ing adven­ture with 100 unique read­ing cat­e­gories. We’ll keep you inspired with librar­i­an-curat­ed book lists and vir­tu­al badges, and you’ll earn prizes as you progress.

Book rec­om­men­da­tions span a wide range of themes and tastes — spe­cif­ic words in titles, cov­er designs, loca­tions, char­ac­ters, and more.

Ready to read, cel­e­brate, and win? Reg­is­ter at dekalbli​brary​.beanstack​.org today!

Here’s How it Works:

  1. Sign Up: Reg­is­ter for the chal­lenge at dekalbli​brary​.beanstack​.org.
  2. Choose Books: Check out the list of 100 chal­lenge cat­e­gories. We’ve includ­ed librar­i­an-curat­ed sug­gest­ed read­ing lists to get you start­ed, or you can select your own book that fits the category. 
  3. Track Progress: After you’ve read a book that fits a cat­e­go­ry, find the cor­re­spond­ing badge in Beanstack and mark it off by enter­ing your book title. Each book may be matched to only one cat­e­go­ry, and each cat­e­go­ry may only be com­plet­ed one time.
  4. Earn Prizes: Prizes will be award­ed for every 25 cat­e­gories com­plet­ed, and will be dis­trib­uted quar­ter­ly to your DeKalb Coun­ty Library loca­tion of choice for pickup.

You’ve got this. Ques­tions? Check out the FAQs below, or mes­sage us. Hap­py reading!

100 Years, 100 Books FAQs

The 100 Years, 100 Books Read­ing Chal­lenge is a year-long, cat­e­go­ry-based read­ing adven­ture cel­e­brat­ing DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library’s 100th anniver­sary. It invites read­ers to explore 100 unique read­ing cat­e­gories, read a book matched to each cat­e­go­ry, and dis­cov­er new authors, gen­res, and sto­ries along the way.

Sign­ing up allows you to join a com­mu­ni­ty of read­ers, earn prizes for every 25 books read, and stay inspired with librar­i­an-curat­ed book lists. It’s the per­fect way to cel­e­brate 100 years of library his­to­ry while chal­leng­ing your­self and expand­ing your read­ing horizons!

Vis­it dekalbli​brary​.beanstack​.org and click on the 100 Years, 100 Books Read­ing Chal­lenge” ban­ner to join. When you com­plete a chal­lenge, click on the cor­re­spond­ing badge and enter the name of the book you read.

This chal­lenge is for adults ages 18 and over. Non-card­hold­ers may par­tic­i­pate in the chal­lenge; how­ev­er if you win a prize, prizes must be picked up at a DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library loca­tion. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we can­not mail prizes.

You may use what­ev­er for­mat works for you to keep track of progress; how­ev­er, you must log your reads in Beanstack to win prizes.

Inter­est­ed in keep­ing up with progress via Sto­ry­Graph? Add the chal­lenge here.

No. Each book may be matched to only one cat­e­go­ry, and each cat­e­go­ry may only be com­plet­ed one time.

Only books read from Jan­u­ary 1, 2025 through Decem­ber 31, 2025 will count for the chal­lenge. How­ev­er, if you start a book in 2024 and fin­ish it in 2025, feel free to count it!

Absolute­ly! All types of books work for this chal­lenge, includ­ing eBooks, audio­books, and books writ­ten for any age group. 

We know that 100 books is a stretch for all but the most avid read­ers. Any num­ber of books read is a major accom­plish­ment, and prizes will be award­ed for every 25 books read. 

Any books read in 2025 count, even if you read them before you signed up for the chal­lenge. Feel free to match up your pre­vi­ous 2025 reads with prompts, and back­log those when you start the challenge.

We encour­age you to be cre­ative with your inter­pre­ta­tion of the prompts. If you think a book fits the prompt, it fits! 

Not at all! Feel free to com­plete in any order you choose.

Prizes will be sent quar­ter­ly to the library branch of your choosing.