Jobs & Careers

Are you look­ing for a job, or to broad­en your career prospects? Would you sim­ply like to know more about a career before invest­ing your­self in prepa­ra­tion for it? This sub­ject guide can help. It cov­ers infor­ma­tion on dif­fer­ent types of careers, resume and cov­er let­ter resources, and prepa­ra­tion tools for jobs requir­ing a stan­dard­ized test. Also, please note that the Library offers events for job seek­ers to gain help­ful skills.

Learning­Ex­press Job & Career Accel­er­a­tor™ pro­vides per­son­al­ized, step-by-step job search assis­tance — from explor­ing and match­ing suit­able occu­pa­tions from over 1,000 detailed occu­pa­tion pro­files to find­ing avail­able jobs from a data­base of over 5 mil­lion up-to-date job post­ings. With Job & Career Accel­er­a­tor, you can eas­i­ly cre­ate pro­fes­sion­al and effec­tive resumes and cov­er let­ters, mas­ter inter­view­ing and net­work­ing tech­niques, improve your work skills, and pre­pare for occu­pa­tion-relat­ed exams.

Test prepa­ra­tion mate­ri­als, eBooks, and inter­ac­tive prac­tice exams based on offi­cial aca­d­e­m­ic, civ­il ser­vice, mil­i­tary, and pro­fes­sion­al licens­ing and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion exams. Includes prepa­ra­tion for the GED, SAT, GRE, U.S. Cit­i­zen­ship Test, and TOEFL.

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From Data Axle, a nation­wide direc­to­ry of U.S. and Cana­di­an busi­ness­es and res­i­dences. Busi­ness list­ings include esti­mat­ed sales, num­ber of employ­ees and a cred­it rat­ing code, if avail­able. Use the U.S. Jobs/​internships sec­tion to search for posi­tions and find infor­ma­tion about the com­pa­nies adver­tis­ing them, with data from the job site Indeed​.com. For­mer­ly ReferenceUSA.

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Help­Now pro­vides free home­work help and online tutor­ing for grades 3 – 12 for math, Eng­lish, sci­ence and social stud­ies. Chat with a tutor from 2:00 PM to 11:00 PM sev­en days a week. Test prepa­ra­tion, writ­ing assis­tance and career resources are also pro­vid­ed for K‑12, adult and ESL learners.

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Use­ful Books

Use­ful Websites

  • Job Seek­ers Events at the Library
    The Library holds events to help you with a vari­ety of job seek­ing skills. Don’t miss these help­ful programs.
  • AJC Jobs

    Job list­ings from the Atlanta Journal/​Constitution.

  • Atlanta Work­force Devel­op­ment Agency

    The Atlanta Work­force Devel­op­ment Agency (AWDA) is a bureau of the City of Atlanta under the Exec­u­tive Offices of the May­or. AWDA’s pri­ma­ry pur­pose is to admin­is­ter employ­ment and train­ing pro­grams man­dat­ed under the Work­force Invest­ment Act (WIA) of 1998 to the cit­i­zens of Atlanta to offer work­force solu­tion ser­vices to the metro Atlanta businesses.

  • Career Builder

    Get advice or search for jobs, post your resume and more.

  • CareerOn­eStop

    The U.S. Depart­ment of Labor’s one-stop,source for employ­ment infor­ma­tion. The site has tools to help job seek­ers, stu­dents, busi­ness­es and career pro­fes­sion­als. Also includes Career Info Net andState Job Bank Links.

  • Careers at Team Georgia

    The State of Georgia’s offi­cial one-stop source for State Jobs and employ­ment information.

  • DeKalb Coun­ty Employ­ment Portal

    Job oppor­tu­ni­ties with the DeKalb Coun­ty Government.

  • DeKalb Work­force Development

    DeKalb Work­force Devel­op­ment is a non prof­it gov­ern­ment agency ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing the res­i­dents of DeKalb Coun­ty with the tools that are vital in secur­ing and main­tain­ing employment.

  • DeKalb Work­force Devel­op­ment Jobs Bus

    The Mobile Career Cen­ter (also called the Jobs Bus”) includes 13 com­put­er sta­tions and high-speed satel­lite Inter­net con­nec­tion. The Cen­ter will pro­vide res­i­dents with essen­tial ser­vices, includ­ing job search assis­tance, resume writ­ing, and inter­view­ing tips. The bus sched­ule includes library loca­tions and changes monthly.

  • Geor­gia Depart­ment of Labor — Job Infor­ma­tion System

    Use Georgia’s Job Infor­ma­tion Sys­tem to search for job open­ings list­ed direct­ly with the Geor­gia Depart­ment of Labor.

  • Geor­gia Depart­ment of Labor — Job Seekers

    Infor­ma­tion for job seek­ers com­piled by the Geor­gia Depart­ment of Labor.

  • Glass­door

    Glass­door is a free jobs and career com­mu­ni­ty that offers the world an inside look at jobs and companies.

  • Good­will of North Geor­gia Career Centers

    Good­will oper­ates Career Cen­ters across North Geor­gia . All Career Cen­ters are open to the gen­er­al pub­lic and equipped with peo­ple and resources to help job seek­ers and micro-busi­ness owners.

  • Indeed — Job Search

    Free access to mil­lions of jobs and intern­ships from thou­sands of job boards, news­pa­per clas­si­fied ads and com­pa­ny websites.

  • Inter​view​ing​.com

    Pro­vides inter­view­ing resources for both inter­view­ers and interviewees.

  • Job Star: Pro­fes­sion Spe­cif­ic Salary Surveys

    Links to many salary resources on the internet.

  • Job Star: Resumes & Cov­er Letters

    Tips on putting togeth­er your resume, along with sam­ple cov­er letters.

  • Lat­Pro

    His­pan­ic & bilin­gual jobs and diver­si­ty career board.

  • LinkedIn Jobs

    Con­duct job search­es by job titles, indus­try and loca­tion. This pro­fes­sion­al net­work­ing site also has arti­cles on job search­ing, resumes and interviewing.

  • LinkedIn Salary

    Salary infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by the pro­fes­sion­al net­work­ing site. Site pro­vides infor­ma­tion bro­ken down by job title and loca­tion. Explore how salaries vary by indus­try, com­pa­ny size, and education.

  • Mon­ster Board

    Search for jobs based on the field, the loca­tion, or by keyword.

  • Occu­pa­tion­al Infor­ma­tion Net­work (O*NET)

    Locate occu­pa­tions based on your skills and abilities.

  • Occu­pa­tion­al Out­look Handbook

    Online ver­sion of the pop­u­lar Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics pub­li­ca­tion which pro­vides help­ful career information.

  • Pur­due Online Writ­ing Lab: Work­place Writers

    Pro­vides links to resources for work­place writ­ers and peo­ple writ­ing dur­ing the job search process.

  • Salary­Ex­pert

    Includes tools, such as salary and cost of liv­ing cal­cu­la­tors. Salary­Ex­pert is an affil­i­ate of the Eco­nom­ic Research Institute.

  • Sim­ply Hired

    Search for local jobs, and learn more about salary com­par­isons and employ­ment trends.

  • US​.jobs

    A vari­ety of job list­ings by type, employ­er or region.

  • USA Jobs

    A free list­ing of gov­ern­ment jobs and employ­ment infor­ma­tion spon­sored by the Unit­ed States Office of Per­son­nel Management.

  • Vault

    Find infor­ma­tion on employ­ers and their rank­ings, indus­try blogs, mes­sage and job boards, and more.