Due to poor road con­di­tions from the win­ter storm, all loca­tions will be closed on Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 22.

Physical and Mental Health

If you have a med­ical emer­gency, please call 911 or or vis­it your local Emer­gency Room.

988 Sui­cide & Cri­sis Lifeline

Phone (Nation­al): 988

Notes: 24/7, free and con­fi­den­tial sup­port for peo­ple in dis­tress, pre­ven­tion and cri­sis resources for you or your loved ones, and best prac­tices for pro­fes­sion­als in the Unit­ed States.”

HIV/AIDS Hot­line

Phone (Nation­al): 1.800.551.2728

Phone (Geor­gia): 404.876.9944

Phone (Atlanta area): 404.870.7700

Cen­ters for Dis­ease Con­trol STD Hotline 

Phone (Nation­al): 1.800.232.4636

Geor­gia Cri­sis and Access Line 

Phone: 1.800.715.4225

Alco­holics Anony­mous Hotline 

Phone: 404.525.3178

SAMHSA’s Nation­al Helpline

Phone: 800.662.4357

DeKalb Com­mu­ni­ty Ser­vice Board

Loca­tion: Decatur, Cham­blee, Lithonia

Phone: 404.892.4646

Phone (Cri­sis Line): 404.294.0499

Notes: Inte­grat­ed health ser­vices; help for men­tal health, addic­tion, and devel­op­men­tal disabilities

Clos­est Libraries: Decatur, Toco Hill, Cham­blee, Redan-Trot­ti

Med­Cu­ra Health

Loca­tion: Stone Moun­tain, Decatur

Phone: 404.298.8998

Notes: Pro­vides pri­ma­ry care, podi­a­try, behav­ioral health, den­tal, infec­tious dis­ease, gas­troen­terol­o­gy, pre­scrip­tion assis­tance on a slid­ing fee scale 

Clos­est Libraries: Scott Can­dler, Stone Moun­tain, Clark­ston

Mer­cy Care Atlanta

Loca­tion: 424 Decatur St. SE, Atlanta, GA 30312

Phone: 678.843.8500

Notes: A fed­er­al­ly qual­i­fied health cen­ter and Atlanta’s only health­care for the home­less pro­gram (330h), Mer­cy Care accepts most insur­ance plans, Medicare and Med­ic­aid and offers a slid­ing fee scale based on house­hold income for the uninsured

Clos­est Libraries: Gre­sham, Decatur

Day League

Loca­tion: 204 Church Street Decatur, GA 30030

Phone: 404.377.1429

Phone (24/7 Hotline): 404.377.1428

Notes: Advo­ca­cy and sup­port for sex­u­al assault vic­tims includ­ing med­ical and legal accom­pa­ni­ment and no cost ther­a­py support.

Clos­est Library: Decatur

Geor­gia Men­tal Health Con­sumer Net­work

Loca­tion: 1990 Lake­side Park­way, Suite 100 Tuck­er, Geor­gia 30084

Phone: 404.687.9487

Phone (24/7 Hotline): 1.800.297.6146

Notes: Peer-facil­i­tat­ed recov­ery pro­gram­ming, sup­port groups, alter­na­tive treatment

Clos­est Libraries: Tuck­er, North­lake

Nation­al Alliance on Men­tal Ill­ness (NAMI)

Loca­tion: 4120 Pres­i­den­tial Pkwy, Suite 200 Atlanta, GA, 30340

Phone: 770.234.0855

Phone (Non-cri­sis Hot­line): 770.408.0625

Notes: Helpline is avail­able Mon­day, Wednes­day, and Fri­day 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Clos­est Library: Dorav­ille

Cen­ter for Pan Asian Com­mu­ni­ty Ser­vices Cos­mo Health Cen­ter

Loca­tion: 6185 Buford High­way, Build­ing G Nor­cross, GA 30071

Phone: 770.446.0929

Notes: Pro­vides pri­ma­ry and pre­ven­tive care; health insur­ance enrollment

Clos­est Library: Embry Hills

Ethne Health Clinic

Loca­tion: 980 Row­land St, Clark­ston, GA 30021

Phone: 470.799.0044

Notes: Pro­vides pri­ma­ry and den­tal care for unin­sured immi­grant and refugee patients. Accepts many health insur­ance plans.

Clos­est Library: Clark­ston