Due to poor road con­di­tions from the win­ter storm, all loca­tions will be closed on Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 22.

Food Pantry

Atlanta Com­mu­ni­ty Food Bank

Phone: 678.553.5917

Phone (Text): 1.888.976.2232 (Text Find Food,” or Comi­da” for Span­ish services)

Notes: Atlanta Com­mu­ni­ty Food Bank will assist in find­ing food based on res­i­den­t’s cur­rent loca­tion. ACFB pro­vides appli­ca­tion assis­tance for Sup­ple­men­tal Nutri­tion Assis­tance Pro­gram (SNAP or Food Stamps) and Medicaid

St. Vin­cent de Paul Soci­ety

Loca­tion: 4871 Memo­r­i­al Dr, Stone Moun­tain, GA 30083

Phone: 404.292.4102

Notes: No ID require­ments, but let­ter of refer­ral required for emer­gency food; food pantry open once per month; Clark­ston and Stone Moun­tain res­i­dents only 

Clos­est Libraries: Stone Moun­tain, Hair­ston Crossing

HOPE Atlanta

Loca­tion: 458 Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta, GA, 30308

Phone: 404.817.7070

Notes: Pro­vides a com­mu­ni­ty kitchen for women and children.

Clos­est Library: Decatur

Colum­bia Dri­ve Unit­ed Methodist Church

Loca­tion: 2067 Colum­bia Dri­ve, Decatur, GA, 30032

Phone: 404.284.4151

Clos­est Library: Scott Can­dler

Cords of Life

Loca­tion: 2724 Wes­ley Chapel Rd., Decatur, GA 30036

Phone: 404.491.0962

Notes: By appoint­ment only. Mon­day 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.; Wednes­day 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.; and Fri­day 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m.. In order to be served, you must be a Dekalb Coun­ty res­i­dent, have a valid Geor­gia ID or driver’s license and must pro­vide a util­i­ty bill with your name on it

Clos­est Library: Wes­ley Chapel

Decatur Area Emer­gency Assis­tance Min­istry

Loca­tion: 515 East Ponce de Leon Ave. Decatur, GA, 30030

Phone: 404.373.9283

Notes: Pro­vides month­ly gro­ceries; Open Mon­days, Tues­days, Thurs­days, and Fri­days, 9:00 — 11:00 a.m.. All assis­tance is han­dled by appoint­ment only

Clos­est Library: Decatur

Decatur Coop­er­a­tive Min­istry

Loca­tion: Decatur, GA 30031

Phone: 404.284.4411

Notes: Pro­vides tem­po­rary food assis­tance for DeKalb res­i­dents with doc­u­men­ta­tion for any fam­i­ly members

Clos­est Library: Decatur

Peachcrest Corps — Sal­va­tion Army

Loca­tion: 3500 Sher­ry­dale Lane, Decatur, GA, 30032

Phone: 404.486.2870

Notes: Food bank

Clos­est Libraries: Scott Can­dler, Cov­ing­ton

Epis­co­pal Church of the Holy Cross

Loca­tion: 2005 S. Colum­bia Pl., Decatur, GA

Phone: 404.284.1211

Clos­est Library: Scott Can­dler

First Bap­tist Church-Litho­nia

Loca­tion: 6616 Hil­lan­dale Dri­ve, Litho­nia, GA, 30058

Phone: 770.482.8703

Notes: For res­i­dents of 30038 and 30058 on Wednes­days; emer­gen­cies only. Call for appointment 

Clos­est Libraries: Redan-Trot­ti, Stonecrest, Litho­nia-David­son, Salem-Panola

Friends of St. Mar­tin de Por­res Food Pantry 

Loca­tion: 3773 Cham­blee-Tuck­er Road, Atlanta, GA, 30341

Phone: 770.939.3501 ex. 231

Notes: Tues­day – Fri­day 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.; bring pho­to ID

Clos­est Library: Cham­blee

Green­for­est Com­mu­ni­ty Bap­tist Church Social Min­istry Department

Loca­tion: 3250 Rain­bow Dr, Decatur, GA 30034

Phone: 404.486.1120

Clos­est Library: Flat Shoals

Hill­side Pres­by­ter­ian Church 

Loca­tion: 1879 Colum­bia Dri­ve, Decatur, GA, 30032

Phone: 404.289.3092

Clos­est Library: Scott Can­dler

Intown Cares

Loca­tion: 1026 Ponce de Leon Ave NE Atlanta, GA 30306

Phone: 404.590.6956

Notes: Helps indi­vid­u­als in areas cov­er­ing 30306 and 30307 zip codes with food pantries, rent assis­tance, and part­ner­ing with church­es to find shelter.

Clos­est Library: Toco Hill

Toco Hills Com­mu­ni­ty Alliance

Loca­tion: 1790 LaV­ista Road NE Atlanta, GA 30329

Phone: 404.325.0677

Notes: Open Tues­day — Thurs­day 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.. Requires pic­ture ID and must be a vet­er­an, expe­ri­enc­ing home­less­ness, or a res­i­dent of North DeKalb Zip Code (30030, 30032, 30033, 30319, 30324, 30329, 30340, 30341, 30345). From Tues­day — Thurs­day, free hot lunch­es are pro­vid­ed to go” for those expe­ri­enc­ing home­less­ness on a first come, first serve basis

Clos­est Library: Toco Hill

Net­works Coop­er­a­tive Ministry

Loca­tion: 4296 Cow­an Rd, Tuck­er, GA 30084

Phone: 770.939.6454

Notes: First time users need to bring ID for them­selves and any oth­er mem­bers of their house­hold, includ­ing chil­dren. Food pantry for indi­vid­u­als expe­ri­enc­ing home­less­ness and those liv­ing in zip code 30084 (DeKalb coun­ty only), parts of 30033, 30340, 30345, and 30087.

Clos­est Library: Tuck­er, North­lake, Embry Hills

Salem Bible Church

Loca­tion: 2750 Panola Rd., Stonecrest, GA 30058

Phone: 404.564.1469

Notes: Sun­shine Broth­er­hood Food Pantry is open every Tues­day and Thurs­day, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Clos­est Libraries: Salem-Panola, Stonecrest