All loca­tions will be closed on Mon­day, Jan­u­ary 20 in hon­or of Mar­tin Luther King Jr. Day.


Inter­na­tion­al Res­cue Com­mit­tee (Atlanta Office)

Loca­tion: 2305 Park­lake Dr Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30345

Phone: 404.292.7731

Notes: Pro­vides legal and non-legal immi­gra­tion ser­vices for low — cost; DOJ accred­it­ed; best reached via email at immigration@​rescue.​org

Clos­est Libraries: Gre­sham, Decatur

New Amer­i­can Pathways

Loca­tion: 2300 Hen­der­son Mill Rd. NE Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30345

Phone: 404.299.6099

Notes: Pro­vides legal ser­vices, career ser­vices, and resources for reset­tle­ment for immi­grants and refugees

Clos­est Libraries: North­lake, Tuck­er

Asian Amer­i­cans Advanc­ing Jus­tice — Atlanta

Loca­tion: 5680 Oak­brook Park­way Suite 148, Nor­cross, GA 30093

Phone: 404.585.8446

Notes: Pro­vides legal and cit­i­zen­ship assis­tance to Asian, Asian-Amer­i­can, and Pacif­ic Islander immigrants

Clos­est Libraries: Embry Hills, Tuck­er

Latin Amer­i­can Association

Loca­tion: 2750 Buford Hwy., Atlanta, GA 30324

Phone: 404.638.1800

Notes: Pro­vides immi­gra­tion, eco­nom­ic, civic, and legal assis­tance for Lati­nos and all immigrants.

Clos­est Library: Cham­blee, Dorav­ille