
AARP Senior Employ­ment Program

Loca­tion: 2754 N Decatur Road Suite 114 Decatur, GA 30030

Phone #: (404) 2921330

Notes: Serves cit­i­zens 55 & old­er with low income

Near­est Branch: Toco Hill

Com­mu­ni­ty Friend­ship Incor­po­rat­ed

Loca­tion: 85 Renais­sance Park­way NE, Atlanta, GA 30308

Phone #: (404) 8750381

Notes: Takes walk-ins after 2pm

Near­est Branch: Gre­sham, Decatur

Cords of Life

Loca­tion: 2724 Wes­ley Chapel Rd. #361394, Decatur, GA 30036

Phone #: (404) 3458877

Notes: Job Readi­ness, life skills man­age­ment, court ordered com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice options for offend­ers that have non-vio­lent, mis­de­meanor offenses.”

Near­est Branch: Wes­ley Chapel

DeKalb Co. DFCS Job­Source Center 

Loca­tion: 2300 Park­lake Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30345

Phone #: (404) 3705076

Notes: Job Search­es; Resume Writ­ing; Inter­view Prep; Job Readi­ness Skills Work­shops; Com­put­ers, Print­ers, Copiers, Fax Machines 

Near­est Branch: North­lake, Tuck­er

DeKalb Work­force Devel­op­ment

Loca­tion: 774 Jor­dan Lane Bldg. 4, Decatur, GA 30033 

Phone #: (404) 6873400

Notes: Uni­fied edu­ca­tion, train­ing and employ­ment pro­grams for job seek­ers, work­force devel­op­ment ser­vices for businesses. 

Near­est Branch: Decatur

Decatur Pres­by­ter­ian Church Thresh­old Ministry

Loca­tion: 205 Sycamore Street, Decatur, GA 30030

Phone #: (404) 3781777

Notes: Offers MAR­TA cards for job search­es and appointments

Near­est Branch: Decatur

Epis­co­pal Church of the Holy Cross

Loca­tion: 2005 S. Colum­bia Pl., Decatur, GA

Phone #: (404) 2841211

Notes: Focus­es on pro­fes­sion­al development

Near­est Branch: Scott Can­dler

First Step Staffing

Loca­tion: 302 Decatur St. SE, Atlanta, GA 30312

Phone #: (404) 5773395

Notes: Job coach­ing, trans­porta­tion for work

Near­est Branch: Decatur, Gre­sham

Geor­gia Dept. of Labor DeKalb Career Cen­ter

Loca­tion: 774 Jor­dan Lane Bldg. #4 Decatur, GA 30033 – 5755

Phone #: (404) 2323180

Notes: Career coun­sel­ing, work­shops, Vet­er­an services

Near­est Branch: Cov­ing­ton

Good­will — South DeKalb Career Center

Loca­tion: 1295 Colum­bia Dri­ve, Decatur, Geor­gia 30032

Phone #: (404) 7288605

Notes: Resume/​interview assis­tance, dress & clothes, net­work­ing assistance

Near­est Branch: Cov­ing­ton

Good­will — Decatur Career Center

Loca­tion: 2201 Lawrenceville High­way, Decatur, GA 30033

Phone #: (404) 5549600

Notes: Resume/​interview assis­tance, dress & clothes, net­work­ing assistance

Near­est Branch: Toco Hill

Jew­ish Fam­i­ly & Career Ser­vices-Dun­woody

Loca­tion: 4549 Cham­blee Dun­woody Road Atlanta, GA 30338

Phone #: (770) 6779300

Notes: Pro­vides work­shops and one-on-one coun­sel­ing; seniors job placement

Near­est Branch: Dun­woody

Latin Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion

Loca­tion: 2750 Buford Hwy., Atlanta, GA 30324

Phone #: (404) 6381800

Notes: Com­put­er Class­es; Job Readi­ness & Inter­view Train­ing; Job Search­ing, Resume & Place­ment Help; Job Banks 

Near­est Branch: Brookhaven

Net­works Coop­er­a­tive Min­istry

Loca­tion: 4296 Cow­an Rd, Tuck­er, GA 30084 (head­quar­ters)

Phone #: (770) 9396454

Notes: Free resume class­es and workshops

Near­est Branch: Tuck­er, North­lake, Embry Hills

Our House Inc. 

Loca­tion: 173 Boule­vard NE, Atlanta, GA 30312

Phone #: (404) 5226056

Notes: Job train­ing and life skills classes

Near­est Branch: Gre­sham

Ray of Hope Chris­t­ian Church

Loca­tion: 2778 Snapfin­ger Rd., Decatur, GA 30034

Phone #: (770) 6965100

Notes: Employ­ment searching

Near­est Branch: Wes­ley Chapel

Salem Bible Church

Loca­tion: 2750 Panola Rd., Litho­nia, GA 30058

Phone #: (404) 5641469

Notes: Resume writ­ing and job search assistance

Near­est Branch: Salem Panola

The Shep­herd’s Inn

Loca­tion: 165 Ivan Allen Jr Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313

Phone #: (404) 3672493

Notes: After­noon intake — voca­tion­al training

Near­est Branch: Gre­sham, Decatur

Trin­i­ty House – Big Bethel

Loca­tion: 21 Bell Street North­east, Atlanta, GA 30303

Phone #: (404) 2220553

Notes: Reha­bil­i­ta­tion pro­gram for men. Pro­vides sup­port ser­vices lead­ing back to employ­ment, income, and recovery. 

Near­est Branch: Gre­sham