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Raising Resilience With Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library and Chil­dren’s Health­care of Atlanta Help­ing Raise Resilience in Kids

Decatur, Ga. - DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library and Chil­dren’s Health­care of Atlanta Strong4Life have col­lab­o­rat­ed to put togeth­er resources and tools for build­ing resilience in children.

This part­ner­ship is the first of its kind between Chil­dren’s and DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library. 

The Rais­ing Resilience ini­tia­tive aims to pro­vide par­ents and care­givers with the tools they need to proac­tive­ly teach kids how to cope with chal­lenges, man­age stress and ulti­mate­ly make healthy deci­sions through­out their lives. All kids are born with the capac­i­ty to become resilient — the abil­i­ty to han­dle life’s ups and downs, but they need help along the way.

DCPL will help raise resilience through a read­ing list of books about resilience curat­ed by Youth Ser­vices Librar­i­ans. There are sep­a­rate lists for each age group, from infants to high school stu­dents. Books and mate­ri­als are avail­able for check­out or hold at all library locations.

Strong4Life is a team of Chil­dren’s doc­tors, ther­a­pists, nurs­es, reg­is­tered dieti­tians, and oth­er well­ness experts who are ready to help busy fam­i­lies raise healthy, safe, resilient kids. To learn more about the Rais­ing Resilience ini­tia­tive, and to find the full read­ing book list, vis­it strong4life​.com/read. Want to place items from the list on hold? Check out our Rais­ing Resilience page for links to the books in our catalog.