Student Resources

Computer Training Help

Library-rec­om­­mend­ed web­sites offer­ing free self-paced online lessons, as well as infor­ma­tion on com­put­er train­ing opportunities. 


Explo­ra sup­ports both stu­dent research and class­room instruction.

Homeschooling Guide

A guide to help you decide whether home­school­ing is right for you, find resources to help you study, learn, and design a curriculum.

NoveList K-8 Plus

Espe­cial­ly for ele­men­tary and mid­dle school, find fic­tion and non­fic­tion books to read based on oth­er books pre­vi­ous­ly enjoyed, or to look for books about a par­tic­u­lar sub­ject, rela­tion­ship, geo­graph­ic area, peri­od of time, or plot descrip­tion. Includes lists of award-win­ning titles and reviews.

Online Tutoring

Help­Now pro­vides free home­work help and online tutor­ing for grades 3 – 12 for math, Eng­lish, sci­ence and social stud­ies. Chat with a tutor from 2:00 PM to 11:00 PM sev­en days a week. Test prepa­ra­tion, writ­ing assis­tance and career resources are also pro­vid­ed for K‑12, adult and ESL learners.

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Points of View Reference Source

Con­tains resources that present mul­ti­ple sides of an issue. Can help stu­dents assess and devel­op per­sua­sive argu­ments and essays, bet­ter under­stand con­tro­ver­sial issues and devel­op ana­lyt­i­cal think­ing skills.

Science Reference Source

Access to full text for hun­dreds of sci­ence mag­a­zines, jour­nals, ref­er­ence books and high-qual­i­ty videos. Also con­tains sci­ence exper­i­ments, cur­ricu­lum-aligned les­son plans, and a vast image collection.