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Summer Reading Challenge 2024

School is out, sum­mer is here, and DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library is open! It’s so impor­tant that peo­ple of all ages (adults too!) read and do lit­er­a­cy activ­i­ties all sum­mer long to keep brains sharp. So, start the adven­ture at your library this sum­mer by join­ing our sum­mer read­ing chal­lenges!

Sum­mer Read­ing Chal­lenge: Adven­ture Begins at Your Library

Patrons of all ages can par­tic­i­pate in the Sum­mer Read­ing Chal­lenge. Pre­reg­is­ter in Beanstack begin­ning May 1, 2024 at dekalbli​brary​.beanstack​.org.

Start­ing June 1, 2024, you can earn badges (and a chance at prizes!) by doing the following: 

  • Young Chil­dren (0 – 5): Read books and par­tic­i­pate in lit­er­a­cy activ­i­ties to earn vir­tu­al badges.
  • School Age Chil­dren (6 – 12): Read every day, attend pro­grams, and com­plete lit­er­a­cy activities.
  • Teens (13 – 18): Play BIN­GO on a vir­tu­al BIN­GO card. Earn badges to unlock the BIN­GO badge.
  • Adults (18 and up): Play BIN­GO on a paper or vir­tu­al card to com­plete the chal­lenge. Paper BIN­GO cards are avail­able at all DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library locations.

WIN PRIZES! Free books, book bags, gift cards, Kin­dle Fires, jour­nals, prize packs with books and puz­zles, Blue­tooth speak­ers, and more! All read­ing and activ­i­ties must be logged by July 312024.

Sum­mer Read­ing Events

Vis­it DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Libraries this sum­mer for hun­dreds of free, in-per­son events across our 23 library branches! 

July 27th, 10:30 AM
Scott Candler LibrarySpecial EventsFun ActivitiesFamily (All Ages)Children All Ages (parents welcome)
Reptiles, arachnids, amphibians, oh my!
July 27th, 11:00 AM
Dunwoody LibraryFun ActivitiesPreschoolers
A fun and creative yoga class for children.
July 27th, 2:00 PM
Dunwoody LibraryFun ActivitiesSchool Age
Beginning readers can practice their reading skills with a trained therapy dog that loves listening to stories.
July 27th, 2:30 PM
Scott Candler LibraryFun ActivitiesToddlersPreschoolersChildren All Ages (parents welcome)
Sensory play builds cognitive skills through the exploration of the senses in an unstructured environment. Adult supervision required.