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Head Outside and Enjoy a Story

Go on a Sto­ry­Walk® and read some great chil­dren’s books at libraries, parks and oth­er places in DeKalb Coun­ty. Sup­port is pro­vid­ed by DeKalb Library Foun­da­tion and oth­er orga­ni­za­tions as noted.

Some loca­tions may change, and new loca­tions will be added over the next sev­er­al months. Check back to find the most up-to-date information.

Stories along a sidewalk

The Sto­ry­Walk® Project was cre­at­ed by Anne Fer­gu­son of Mont­pe­lier, VT, and devel­oped in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Kel­logg-Hub­bard Library. Sto­ry­Walk® is a reg­is­tered ser­vice mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.


Brook Run Park (Sup­port pro­vid­ed by Friends of Dun­woody Library)
4770 North Peachtree Road

Dun­woody, GA 30338

Dun­woody Nature Cen­ter (June only. Sup­port pro­vid­ed by Friends of Dun­woody Library)
5343 Roberts Dri­ve

Dun­woody, GA 30338

Flat Shoals Park (Sup­port pro­vid­ed by Friends of Flat Shoals Park)
4522 Flat Shoals Park­way

Decatur, GA 30034

Friend­ship For­est Wildlife Sanc­tu­ary
(Sup­port pro­vid­ed by City of Clark­ston and CDF Action)
Fea­tures bilin­gual sto­ries

4380 East Ponce de Leon Avenue

Clark­ston, GA 30021

Hair­ston Park
(Sup­port pro­vid­ed by Friends of Hair­ston Park)
911 South Hair­ston Road

Stone Moun­tain, GA 30088

Mason Mill Walk­ing Trail
1282 McConnell Dri­ve

Decatur, GA 30030

Need­ham Park

756 McLen­don Dri­ve

Scottdale, GA 30079

Stonecrest Library

3123 Klondike Road

Stonecrest, GA 30038