Basic Technology Workshops

Free Basic Tech­nol­o­gy Skills Class­es at the Library

Are you just start­ing on your tech­nol­o­gy jour­ney or want to build up con­fi­dence? These work­shops will equip you with the essen­tial skills you need to use your com­put­er, basic appli­ca­tions and mobile phone. 

Some of the top­ics include inter­net basics, video con­fer­enc­ing, email, cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and how to use Windows. 

Dig​i​tal​Learn​.org work­shops and mod­ules were cre­at­ed by the Pub­lic Library Asso­ci­a­tion, with sup­port from AT&T.

Find the work­shop that’s right for you:

March 29th, 2:00 PM
Stonecrest LibraryInformational ProgramsSeniorsAdults
Create a Gmail account and learn how to perform basic email functions such as send, receive, and reply to an email, recognize and deal with spam, organize and delete emails, and search for messages.
April 16th, 11:00 AM
County Line-Ellenwood LibraryClassesAdults
All levels of beginners are welcome.
April 16th, 2:00 PM
Redan-Trotti LibraryInformational ProgramsClassesSeniorsAdults
Learn more about the basic functions, get connected, identify common apps, and build confidence in using your device safely. Get help with your Android device.
April 23rd, 1:00 PM
Hairston Crossing LibraryClassesAdults
In this workshop, attendees will learn how to navigate the Windows 10 operating system, manage applications using the task manager, find and manage files and folders, save and delete files and more.