New York Times All Access

Great news! As a DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library patron, you now have free access to every­thing The New York Times has to offer:

  • News: Orig­i­nal report­ing from around the world
  • Games: Spelling Bee, Wor­dle, The Cross­word and more
  • Cook­ing: Recipes, advice and inspi­ra­tion for any occasion
  • Wire­cut­ter: Inde­pen­dent reviews for thou­sands of products
  • The Ath­let­ic: In-depth sports journalism

Get free access to New York Times News, Games, Cook­ing, Wire­cut­ter, and The Ath­let­ic — includ­ing apps— from anywhere:

Access the full world of The New York Times from any­where with 24-hour access codes! These codes will allow you unlim­it­ed 24-hour access to News, Games, Cook­ing, Wire­cut­ter and The Athletic.

  1. Go to our library’s ded­i­cat­ed URL to receive a 24-hour access code.
  2. Your code will auto-pop­u­late. Click redeem.
  3. Log in using your exist­ing New York Times account, or reg­is­ter for a free account.*
  4. After receiv­ing con­fir­ma­tion that your access code is valid, you will have 24-hours of com­pli­men­ta­ry access to the full world of The New York Times, includ­ing News, Games, Cook­ing, Wire­cut­ter and The Ath­let­ic. See here for every­thing your access includes.
  5. Once your 24 hour access code expires, you can sim­ply repeat the process from Step 1 to redeem anoth­er 24-hour code.

*If you have an exist­ing paid sub­scrip­tion to New York Times Games, Cook­ing or Ath­let­ic, you may be unable to redeem the code. Cre­ate a new account asso­ci­at­ed with a dif­fer­ent email address to redeem.