Teens > YA Reading Lists

This Month: Graph­ic Novels

These titles are part of Free­dom to Read, a project cre­at­ed by the DeKalb Coun­ty Teen Advi­so­ry Board to pro­mote diverse books and to show­case the ben­e­fits of read­ing about dif­fer­ent perspectives. 

Each year, a com­mit­tee of school and pub­lic librar­i­ans reads wide­ly to choose a list of twen­ty nom­i­nat­ed titles. Then young adults choose books from among that list to read and rate. The books that earn the high­est num­ber of read­ers and rat­ings become the Peach Book and Hon­or Books. 

A grass­roots lit­er­a­cy move­ment empow­er­ing read­ers and lead­ers in hun­dreds of schools and com­mu­ni­ties around the world. Found­ed by Dr. Ama­to and Maple­wood HS (Nashville, TN) stu­dents in 2016. Fol­low @projectLITcomm on IG/​Twitter for more info.

A grass­roots lit­er­a­cy move­ment empow­er­ing read­ers and lead­ers in hun­dreds of schools and com­mu­ni­ties around the world. Found­ed by Dr. Ama­to and Maple­wood HS (Nashville, TN) stu­dents in 2016. Fol­low @projectLITcomm on IG/​Twitter for more info.