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Curricula and Support Groups

The fol­low­ing web­sites offer cur­ric­u­la and edu­ca­tion­al support.

Asso­ci­a­tion for Library Ser­vice to Chil­dren — Notable Chil­dren’s Dig­i­tal Media

The Notable Children’s Dig­i­tal Media list includes web­sites, apps and more for chil­dren 14 years of age and younger that enable and encour­age active engage­ment and social inter­ac­tion while inform­ing, edu­cat­ing, and enter­tain­ing. Sug­gest­ed sites are eval­u­at­ed by a com­mit­tee made up of mem­bers of the Asso­ci­a­tion for Library Ser­vice to Chil­dren, a divi­sion of the Amer­i­can Library Association.

Geor­gia Home Edu­ca­tion Asso­ci­a­tion (GHEA)

GHEA has resources for cur­ric­u­la, class­es and pro­grams, laws on home­school­ing, and sports, as well as infor­ma­tion about art, music, dra­ma, and home­school­ing spe­cial needs chil­dren. The Asso­ci­a­tion will serve and assist any home school­ing fam­i­ly or sup­port group in Geor­gia, how­ev­er, GHEA is a Chris­t­ian orga­ni­za­tion and the coun­sel and direc­tion of the orga­ni­za­tion will be Christian.


A free, core aca­d­e­m­ic web site that deliv­ers mul­ti­me­dia con­tent – videos, ani­ma­tions, and sim­u­la­tions – on gen­er­al edu­ca­tion sub­jects to mid­dle-school and high-school teach­ers and col­lege pro­fes­sors, and their stu­dents, free of charge. Users do not need to reg­is­ter or log in to use the site. Hip­poCam­pus is pow­ered by The NROC Project, a non-prof­it, mem­ber-dri­ven project focused on new mod­els of dig­i­tal con­tent devel­op­ment, dis­tri­b­u­tion, and use.

Khan Acad­e­my

What start­ed as one man tutor­ing his cousin has grown into an 80-per­son orga­ni­za­tion – a diverse team that has come togeth­er to work on an auda­cious mis­sion: to pro­vide a free world-class edu­ca­tion for any­one, any­where. Khan Acad­e­my offers prac­tice exer­cis­es, instruc­tion­al videos, and a per­son­al­ized learn­ing dash­board that empow­er learn­ers to study at their own pace in and out­side of the class­room. Part­ners include insti­tu­tions like NASA, The Muse­um of Mod­ern Art, The Cal­i­for­nia Acad­e­my of Sci­ences, and MIT to offer spe­cial­ized content.
