Government and Taxes

DeKalb County Property Taxes

Prop­er­ty tax infor­ma­tion and online payments.

Federal Tax Forms, Instructions and Publications

All cur­rent and many pri­or year IRS fed­er­al income tax forms, instruc­tions, pub­li­ca­tions and oth­er tax products.

Georgia Department of Revenue Tax Information and Forms

Geor­gia state tax infor­ma­tion and relat­ed forms.

Georgia Legal Forms

Legal forms for bank­rupt­cy, divorce, real estate, wills, etc.

Need help using Georgia Legal Forms?

Voting & Elections Guide

Every­thing you’ll need to know to vote as a DeKalb Coun­ty Geor­gia cit­i­zen in fed­er­al, state and local elections.