eBooks, Audiobooks, and More


Pairs video sto­ry­books with relat­ed non­fic­tion eBooks to help chil­dren devel­op and prac­tice essen­tial read­ing skills. Includes read-along audio nar­ra­tion and games. All titles are always avail­able – no down­load­ing, no waiting.

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Music, TV, Movies, Comics, eBooks, eAu­dio — instant access, no holds, no wait­ing. Stream or down­load using the hoopla app (rec­om­mend­ed) or in your brows­er. 10 check­outs per month.

Get the app: iOS | Android | Amazon

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Watch movies, doc­u­men­taries, TV series, chil­dren’s pro­gram­ming and Great Cours­es — instant access, no holds, no wait­ing. Stream on your device or TV with the Kanopy app or on your com­put­er. 5 check­outs per month.

Get the app: iOS | Android | TV apps

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Kanopy Kids

Watch enter­tain­ing and edu­ca­tion­al videos select­ed for chil­dren ages 2 and up — instant access, no holds, no wait­ing. Stream on your device or TV with the Kanopy app or on your com­put­er. Unlim­it­ed view­ing for 30 days for each checkout.

Get the app: iOS | Android | TV apps

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LinkedIn Learning

Thou­sands of online cours­es to learn in-demand skills from real-world indus­try experts. Also avail­able through the LinkedIn Learn­ing app. Library ID is dekalb

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New York Times

For unlim­it­ed access to NYTimes​.com:

From inside the library, cre­ate a free account using your email address through the log in link from the NYTimes​.com home page.

From home, use your library card and this link to access the NYTimes​.com for 24 hours. After it expires, return to this link to reset your access.

NYTimes​.com pro­vides access to the New York Times Online edi­tion. NYTimes​.com offers break­ing news cov­er­age, video and mul­ti­me­dia access, and email news alerts. NYTimes​.com also offers patrons a trans­lat­ed español and Chi­nese edi­tion of the paper.

Get the app: iOS | Android

Online Tutoring

Help­Now pro­vides free home­work help and online tutor­ing for grades 3 – 12 for math, Eng­lish, sci­ence and social stud­ies. Chat with a tutor from 2:00 PM to 11:00 PM sev­en days a week. Test prepa­ra­tion, writ­ing assis­tance and career resources are also pro­vid­ed for K‑12, adult and ESL learners.

Get the app: iOS | Android

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OverDrive / Libby

eBooks, eAu­dio and Mag­a­zines. 20 check­outs and 15 holds at a time for eBooks and eAu­dio. Unlim­it­ed check­outs, no wait­ing for Magazines.

Avail­able on desk­top or most devices through the Lib­by app.

Get the app: iOS | Android

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OverDrive / Libby (Kids Edition)

eBooks, eAu­dio and Mag­a­zines. 20 check­outs and 15 holds at a time for eBooks and eAu­dio. Unlim­it­ed check­outs, no wait­ing for Magazines.

Avail­able on desk­top or most devices through the Lib­by app.

Get the app: iOS | Android

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Palace Project

The Palace Project offers one-stop access to mul­ti­ple free eBook and audio­book dig­i­tal col­lec­tions. Use your library card to enjoy titles from the Palace Book­shelf, eRead Geor­gia, GALILEO and the Dig­i­tal Pub­lic Library of Amer­i­ca. Avail­able exclu­sive­ly through the Palace Project app on mobile devices or tablets. Not avail­able on Kindle.

Get the app: iOS | Android


Unlim­it­ed, same-day access to 7000+ news­pa­pers and mag­a­zines, from 120+ coun­tries, in 60+ lan­guages, includ­ing the Atlanta Jour­nal-Con­sti­tu­tion, the Los Ange­les Times and more.

Get the app: iOS | Android | Other

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