All loca­tions will be closed on Mon­day, Jan­u­ary 20 in hon­or of Mar­tin Luther King Jr. Day.

Read and Grow > Caregiver Resources

Atlanta Parent

Atlanta Par­ent offers award-win­ning and prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion for all stages of your child’s life, includ­ing direc­to­ries for choos­ing a school, plan­ning a birth­day par­ty and find­ing a pediatrician.

Babies Can't Wait

Babies Can’t Wait is Georgia’s ear­ly inter­ven­tion pro­gram that offers a vari­ety of coor­di­nat­ed ser­vices for infants and tod­dlers with spe­cial needs, from birth to three years-of-age and their families.

Better Brains for Babies

Bet­ter Brains for Babies pro­vides infor­ma­tion about the impor­tance of ear­ly brain devel­op­ment in the healthy growth of infants and young chil­dren in Georgia.

Bright from the Start

Bright from the Start: Geor­gia Depart­ment of Ear­ly Care and Learn­ing is respon­si­ble for meet­ing the child care and ear­ly edu­ca­tion needs of Geor­gia’s chil­dren and their fam­i­lies. Vis­it their site for infor­ma­tion about pro­grams like Head Start and Georgia’s Pre‑K.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The CDC pro­vides resources to help you learn how to give your child a healthy start to life, includ­ing their free Mile­stone Track­er app. 

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

Children’s Health­care of Atlanta works to make kids bet­ter today and health­i­er tomor­row. Vis­it their site for resources to help busy fam­i­lies raise healthy, safe, resilient kids.

Easter Seals of North Georgia

East­er Seals of North Geor­gia offers a vari­ety of ser­vices to help peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties address life’s chal­lenges and achieve per­son­al goals.

Every Child Ready to Read

Every Child Ready To Read incor­po­rates sim­ple prac­tices, based on research, to help par­ents and oth­er care­givers devel­op ear­ly lit­er­a­cy skills in chil­dren from birth to age five.

Latin American Association

The Latin Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion strives to empow­er Lati­nos to adapt, inte­grate and thrive. Vis­it their site for resources that fos­ter sta­ble, healthy Lati­no families. 

Lekotek of Georgia

Lekotek of Geor­gia serves chil­dren with a wide range of dis­abil­i­ties. Lekotek is based on a Scan­di­na­vian mod­el of ear­ly inter­ven­tion and spe­cial edu­ca­tion. Enter the world of Lekotek and see what they’re all about! 

Storyline Online®

Sto­ry­line Online® streams videos fea­tur­ing cel­e­brat­ed actors read­ing children’s books along­side cre­ative­ly pro­duced illus­tra­tions. Read­ers include Oprah Win­frey, Chris Pine, Kris­ten Bell, Rita Moreno, Vio­la Davis, Bet­ty White, Wan­da Sykes and dozens more.


Vroom pro­vides sci­ence-based tips and tools to inspire fam­i­lies to turn shared, every­day moments into Brain Build­ing Moments®.