Summer 2024

Summer Reading Challenge

Sign up for DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library’s 2024 Sum­mer Read­ing Chal­lenge on Beanstack. The chal­lenge runs June 1‑July 31.

Where in the World is Dog in the Woods?

Our dog­gie mas­cot has been spot­ted all over the coun­try! Check out images of Dog in the Woods on his trav­els, and don’t for­get to stop by your library to pick up a DotW book­mark to take on your travels.

Summer Reads

Look­ing for a great book to read this sum­mer? Check out our lists inspired by the Sum­mer Read­ing theme Adven­ture Begins at Your Library.

Wrapped Up in Reading

June 3 — Sep­tem­ber 12024

Get Wrapped Up in Read­ing with our friends at the Michael C. Car­los Muse­um! Chil­dren who read 5 books from their Sum­mer 2024 Book List and return a com­plet­ed read­ing diary to the Michael C. Car­los Muse­um will earn prizes and free admis­sion. Many books on the list are avail­able at our libraries. 

2024 Atlanta Hawks Check It Out Read­ing Challenge

May 24 — Sep­tem­ber 22024

Stu­dents in grades K‑12 who suc­cess­ful­ly read at least five books this sum­mer will receive a free youth tick­et with the pur­chase of at least 1 adult tick­et to a 2024 – 25 Atlanta Hawks reg­u­lar sea­son game. 

Click to learn more about the pro­gram and to apply for your free ticket!

Sum­mer Resources for Parents

We all want to make sure every child in Geor­gia — espe­cial­ly our most vul­ner­a­ble chil­dren — eat healthy, stay safe, and con­tin­ue to learn this sum­mer. Geor​gia​Sum​mer​.org fea­tures resources to help fam­i­lies find healthy food, safe­ty tips, vac­cine infor­ma­tion, learn­ing resources, sum­mer camp and child care infor­ma­tion, and more.

Events and Activities

December 11th, 2:00 PM
Lithonia-Davidson LibrarySpecial EventsFamily (All Ages)Adults
Join author, percussionist, and storyteller Jerry G. White for an interactive Kwanzaa celebration filled with drums, dancing, music, storytelling, and fellowship.
December 11th, 3:30 PM
Brookhaven LibraryFun ActivitiesSchool Age
Build LEGO creations with other enthusiasts. LEGO bricks provided; please do not bring any from home.
December 11th, 4:00 PM
Scott Candler LibraryFun ActivitiesTweensSchool Age
Use your imagination with LEGO. We provide all the LEGO pieces.
December 11th, 5:30 PM
County Line-Ellenwood LibraryFun ActivitiesArts and CraftsTweensTeensSchool AgePreschoolersFamily (All Ages)
Join us in celebrating the holidays by decorating your own globe ornament using paint and your imagination. Registration is required.  Open to the first 12 participants.

Things to Do On Your Own

Explore More!

The Explore More! Cal­en­dar is a dai­ly list of fun activ­i­ties that you can do to cel­e­brate the cur­rent month.

Dog in the Woods

Click here for an activ­i­ty book fea­tur­ing DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library’s Dog in the Woods. Print it out today!

Storytime is Now Just a Phone Call Away!
Sto­ry­time is Now Just a Phone Call Away!

Sto­ry­Line offers a wide range of sto­ries read by our Youth Ser­vices Librar­i­ans for chil­dren and fam­i­lies at any time of the day. 

Call us at 404.370.3070, press 7 and select between a sto­ry in Eng­lish or in Span­ish and listen!