Summer 2023

Summer Reading Challenge

Sign up for DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library’s 2023 Sum­mer Read­ing Chal­lenge on Beanstack. The chal­lenge runs June 1‑July 31.

Summer Pics

Check out images from our Sum­mer Read­ing Chal­lenge events!

Summer Reads

Look­ing for a great book to read this sum­mer? Check out our lists inspired by the Sum­mer Read­ing theme All Togeth­er Now.

2023 Atlanta Hawks Check It Out Read­ing Challenge

May 27 — Sep­tem­ber 12023

Stu­dents in grades K‑12 who suc­cess­ful­ly read at least five books this sum­mer will receive a free youth tick­et with the pur­chase of at least 1 adult tick­et to a 2023 – 24 Atlanta Hawks reg­u­lar sea­son game. 

Click to learn more about the pro­gram and to apply for your free ticket!

Sum­mer Resources for Parents

We all want to make sure every child in Geor­gia — espe­cial­ly our most vul­ner­a­ble chil­dren — eat healthy, stay safe, and con­tin­ue to learn this sum­mer. Geor​gia​Sum​mer​.org fea­tures resources to help fam­i­lies find healthy food, safe­ty tips, vac­cine infor­ma­tion, learn­ing resources, sum­mer camp and child care infor­ma­tion, and more.

Wrapped Up in Reading

The Car­los Muse­um’s Wrapped Up in Read­ing sum­mer read­ing pro­gram pro­vides sug­ges­tions for great books relat­ed to the muse­um’s col­lec­tions and exhi­bi­tions and rewards chil­dren for read­ing them. 

Chil­dren who read five books from the Sum­mer 2023 Book List and return their com­plet­ed Read­ing Diary, signed by a guardian to the Car­los Muse­um by Sep­tem­ber 1, 2023, will receive prizes. Free admis­sion will be offered to those who return the com­plet­ed Read­ing Diary in person.

Events and Activities

December 17th, 4:00 PM
Salem-Panola LibraryFun ActivitiesTweensSchool Age
Come build fun LEGO creations. We provide all LEGOs.
December 17th, 4:00 PM
Stone Mountain-Sue Kellogg LibraryFun ActivitiesTweensTeensSchool AgeFamily (All Ages)Children All Ages (parents welcome)
Bring your favorite game to share or come play one of ours.
December 17th, 5:30 PM
Scott Candler LibraryMoviesFun ActivitiesFamily (All Ages)
Watch Elf, craft snowflakes, and drink hot cocoa with your family.
December 18th, 10:00 AM
Toco Hill-Avis G. Williams LibraryArts and CraftsFamily (All Ages)
Stop by the library and grab a Take & Make craft kit.

Things to Do On Your Own

Explore More!

The Explore More! Cal­en­dar is a dai­ly list of fun activ­i­ties that you can do to cel­e­brate the cur­rent month.

Dog in the Woods

Click here for an activ­i­ty book fea­tur­ing DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library’s Dog in the Woods. Print it out today!

Storytime is Now Just a Phone Call Away!
Sto­ry­time is Now Just a Phone Call Away!

Sto­ry­Line offers a wide range of sto­ries read by our Youth Ser­vices Librar­i­ans for chil­dren and fam­i­lies at any time of the day. 

Call us at 404.370.3070, press 7 and select between a sto­ry in Eng­lish or in Span­ish and listen!