Passes and Devices

In part­ner­ship with Geor­gia Pub­lic Library Ser­vice and oth­er agen­cies, DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library offers pass­es for free admis­sion to Geor­gia attrac­tions. Adult patrons with a valid DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library card may check out these pass­es from our branch­es. Patrons may have up to two pass­es checked out at one time.

We also offer elec­tric­i­ty mon­i­tors, elec­tric engravers, hotspots, and Chrome­books for checkout.

Park and Muse­um Passes/​Promotions

The Alliance The­atre pass is good for up to two (2) free vis­i­tors to pro­duc­tions on the Hertz or Coca-Cola Stages, or for four (4) tick­ets for Fam­i­ly Series per­for­mances. Found­ed in 1968, the Alliance The­atre is the lead­ing pro­duc­ing the­ater in the South­east, reach­ing more than 165,000 patrons annually.

To redeem the pass, vis­it alliancethe​atre​.org and enter the pro­mo code on the back of the pass before select­ing tick­ets. The pass must be pre­sent­ed at the Alliance The­atre along with the tick­ets to the per­for­mance. Not valid for oth­er per­for­mances, class­es, camps, pro­gram­ming, or events. 

Vis­it alliancethe​atre​.org for addi­tion­al pass infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

The Atlanta His­to­ry Cen­ter pass allows up to two (2) free admis­sions to the Cen­ter. The Cen­ter fea­tures 33 acres of his­toric hous­es, gar­dens, & award-win­ning exhibitions.

The pass may be pre­sent­ed at the Muse­um for free admis­sion, or you may pre-pur­chase tick­ets online at atlantahis​to​rycen​ter​.com using the code on the back of the pass at check­out. The pass must be pre­sent­ed at the Muse­um along with any tick­ets pur­chased online. Pass not valid for spe­cial exhibits or events. 

Vis­it atlantahis​to​rycen​ter​.com for addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

The Pass­port to Pup­petry allows up to four (4) free admis­sions to the World of Pup­petry muse­um OR 25% off one all-inclu­sive tick­et, which includes a Fam­i­ly Series Per­for­mance, a Cre­ate-A-Pup­pet Work­shop, and the Muse­um. The Muse­um fea­tures two sig­na­ture gal­leries, includ­ing the Jim Hen­son Gallery, and an annu­al cal­en­dar of rotat­ing spe­cial exhibitions.

Not valid for online sales, for pre­vi­ous­ly pur­chased tick­ets, for group tick­et sales, or with any oth­er discount. 

Vis­it pup​pet​.org for addi­tion­al pass infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

The Chat­ta­hoochee Nature Cen­ter Pass allows up to four (4) free admis­sions to the Chat­ta­hoochee Nature Cen­ter. Expe­ri­ence inter­ac­tive exhibits, live ani­mal habi­tats, and hands-on fun all over­look­ing the Chat­ta­hoochee River.

Pass includes entry to reg­u­lar and sea­son­al exhibits, but is not valid for spe­cial exhibits or events. 

Vis­it chat​tna​ture​cen​ter​.org for addi­tion­al pass infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

The Com­put­er Muse­um of Amer­i­ca pass allows up to four (4) free admis­sions to the Muse­um. The Muse­um is the largest tech­nol­o­gy muse­um on the East Coast, and offers inter­ac­tive exhibits fea­tur­ing arti­facts from the dig­i­tal revolution.

Pass not valid for spe­cial exhibits or events.

Vis­it com​put​er​mu​se​u​mo​famer​i​ca​.org for addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

The Geor­gia State Parks and His­toric Sites Pass allows free park­ing at any of Geor­gia’s state parks and his­toric sites, as well as two (2) free admis­sions into any of Geor­gia’s his­toric sites. Pass not valid for spe­cial events, tours, or pro­gram fees. 

Vis­it gas​tateparks​.org for addi­tion­al pass infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

Con­sid­er also check­ing out a Dis­cov­ery Back­pack for your trip. The back­pack includes binoc­u­lars and three fold­out, weath­er­proof guides: Georgia’s Trees; Georgia’s Wildlife; and Georgia’s Trees and Wild­flow­ers. To check back­pack avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or find it in Library’s cat­a­log.

The Go Fish Edu­ca­tion Cen­ter Pass allows up to four (4) free admis­sions to the Cen­ter in Per­ry, GA. Vis­i­tors may tour the fresh­wa­ter aquar­i­um, observe a fish hatch­ery and, with pur­chase of a fish­ing license, fish in a ful­ly stocked cast­ing pond.

Vis­it gofishe​d​u​ca​tion​cen​ter​.com for addi­tion­al pass infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

The Macon Muse­um Pass allows up to four (4) free admis­sions to the Geor­gia Sports Hall of Fame, Muse­um of Arts and Sci­ences, and Tub­man Muse­um. Access a rich his­to­ry of cul­tur­al, sci­en­tif­ic, artis­tic and ath­let­ic achieve­ment through illu­mi­nat­ing exhibits and edu­ca­tion­al programming.

Pass not valid for spe­cial exhibits or events. 

Vis­it geor​gias​portshallof​fame​.com, mas​ma​con​.org, and tub​man​mu​se​um​.com for addi­tion­al pass infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

The Michael C. Car­los Muse­um Pass allows up to six (6) free admis­sions to the Muse­um. The Car­los Muse­um has the largest ancient art col­lec­tions in the South­east, includ­ing objects from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Near East, Africa and the ancient Americas.

Pass may not be used for audio tours, spe­cial exhibits, or spe­cial programs. 

Vis­it car​los​.emory​.edu for addi­tion­al pass infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

The Fam­i­ly The­atre Pass allows up to two (2) free tick­ets to a per­for­mance at the Shake­speare Tav­ern or two (2) free box seats to a tiered seat­ing per­for­mance. Addi­tion­al tick­ets may be pur­chased at a dis­count of $15 each using the Pass. Watch Shake­speare­an plays, clas­sic the­atre, and a whole lot more in a casu­al tav­ern atmosphere.

Entry vouch­er will be issued with pass at check­out. Present both pass and vouch­er at the Shake­speare Tav­ern box office to receive free tick­ets. Pass not valid for food, bev­er­ages, spe­cial events, or non-Atlanta Shake­speare com­pa­ny performances. 

Vis­it shake​speare​tav​ern​.com for addi­tion­al pass infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

The South­east­ern Rail­way Muse­um Pass allows for buy one, get one free admis­sion to the Muse­um. In oper­a­tion since 1970, the South­east­ern Rail­way Muse­um fea­tures about 90 items of rolling stock includ­ing his­toric Pull­man cars and clas­sic steam locomotives.

Up to two free tick­ets per pass. Each tick­et includes one train ride. 

Vis­it srm​du​luth​.org for addi­tion­al pass infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

The William Bre­man Jew­ish Her­itage Muse­um Pass allows up to four (4) free admis­sions to the Muse­um. Pass not valid for spe­cial exhibits or events. The Bre­man is a cul­tur­al cen­ter in Atlanta ded­i­cat­ed to Jew­ish his­to­ry, cul­ture and arts with spe­cial empha­sis on Geor­gia and the Holocaust.

Vis­it the​bre​man​.org for addi­tion­al pass infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.

The Zoo Atlanta Pass allows up to four (4) free admis­sions to Zoo Atlanta. The Zoo is home to more than 1,000 ani­mals rep­re­sent­ing more than 200 species from around the world, many of them endan­gered or crit­i­cal­ly endangered.

Entry vouch­er will be issued with pass at check­out. Present both pass and vouch­er at front gate for admis­sion. Pass valid for gen­er­al admis­sion only and does not include spe­cial event admis­sion or parking. 

Vis­it zooat​lanta​.org for addi­tion­al pass infor­ma­tion. To check pass avail­abil­i­ty, call your library branch or vis­it the Library’s cat­a­log.


  • Police rec­om­mend engrav­ing valu­ables with a per­son­al iden­ti­fi­er to make stolen items eas­i­er to recover.
  • Check avail­abil­i­ty in the Library’s cat­a­log.
  • The Coren­tium Home Radon Gas Detec­tor allows you to take a read­ing of radon lev­els, and the LCD screen dis­plays the aver­age dai­ly, week­ly and long term concentrations.
  • Check avail­abil­i­ty in the Library’s cat­a­log.